h+h cologne: 07.–09.03.2025 #hhcologne

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Pressefach von Polytex Stoffen B.V.

11.2 E31/F30
Polytex Stoffen B.V.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Ilja Stall
Industrieweg 12
Welcome at Polytex Stoffen. We have a very wide range of womenswear and children's fashion fabrics with 100% of the fabrics imported mainly from Turkey and Asia and then we export 90% of the fabrics to many countries in Europe, mainly to fabric (web) shops, ready-to-wear clothing manufacturers, ateliers, couturiers and wholesalers. We sell worldwide through sellers and through our online webshop. The vast majority of the fabrics are then resold to end consumers who make their own clothes out of them, so a large proportion of our fabrics are used for homemade fashion. We release a summer and winter collection twice a year, consisting of around 250 fabrics per collection. We know our customers' wishes and what they expect from us. We have been doing business with many customers for decades, partly due to our transparency, reliability and personality! For example, the price on the webshop is visible to customers, we can be reached 24/7, our fabrics carry various certificates and when you place an order before 12:00 we ship your fabrics the same (working) day!

Vorhandene Pressemitteilungen

Aussteller: Polytex Stoffen B.V.

Willkommen bei Polytex Stoffen!, Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2024, 14:57, 1518 Zeichen

Aussteller: Polytex Stoffen B.V.

Unsere kollektion!, Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2024, 14:57, 2235 Zeichen

Aussteller: Polytex Stoffen B.V.

Offizieller Stofflieferant Fibre Mood!, Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2024, 14:57, 2211 Zeichen

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