h+h cologne: 07.–09.03.2025 #hhcologne

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Pressefach von Kinki Amibari Co. Ltd.

11.1 D58
Kinki Amibari Co. Ltd.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Mr. Yuji Mizoguchi
4368 Takayam-cho
630-0101 Ikoma-City, Nara
By trial and error, founder Unokichi Oyama perfected his original method of manufacturing bamboo knitting needles. Since our establishment in 1916, we have continued to produce knitting needles following our promise to always deliver the best quality. We only use carefully selected high-quality bamboo grown in Japan. Based on our years of experiences and expertise, we are committed to pleasing our customers with our products. In 2016 Kinki Amibari celebrated its 100th anniversary and now Ms. Kyoko Oyama has become the 3rd generation President of Kinki Amibari. Over these years, we have devoted ourselves to making the best use of our accumulated skills and expertise to improve the quality of our products and to develop easier-to-use knitting needles. The bamboo knitting needles are so popular, they are made of natural materials that are very friendly to the environment. We continue to research and develop innovational knitting needles.

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